Microwave Powered Innovation
MTC is an R&I and PD centre providing partners with innovative ideas to design microwaves
& RF assisted processes with a positive impact
Alongside our customers, we focus our passion and energy on turning innovations into solutions that deliver profitable and sustainable value to our society
We aim to bridge the gap between academia and industry in the research, development, demonstration and scale-up of microwave-assisted technologies
PD for SMEs & Multinationals
Feasibility studies, IP, synergy with other energies (UV, IR, Hot air, etc.)
Demonstration-Scale Up
Pilot facilities, scale-up and demonstration
Equipment design and microwave process scale-up including economics (CAPEX, OPEX, ROIC)
Feedstock, process and product discovery
Microwave innovation applied to different markets and industries
Microwave & RF technologies, basics and hands-on
Microwave equipment, health & safety, plan and implementation
Identification of in-house teams and their tailored training
Consultancy on microwave research & process development
Our expertise covers a large range of applications and markets
Agritech / Food & Beverages
Drying, pest-control, pasteurisation, enzyme inactivation, biomass extraction
Microwave-assisted plasma waste recycling, gas abatement, wood pyrolysis
Cold plasmas for therapeutic applications, regenerative medicine, tumour treatment
Chemistry & Chemicals
Biomass extraction, catalysis, specialty chemicals, solvent removal and drying
Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics
Drying, pasteurisation,
biomass extraction
Gem lab-grown diamonds, thin film deposition, surface cleaning, sterilization
Drying, sintering, synthesis of ceramics with specific dielectric properties
Connect with us

Contact Us
HQ: 153 rue des Colverts, 69140, Rillieux-la-pape (Lyon), France
+33 651 285174
Laboratory: Axel’One Campus (interphone: Microwave Techs)
5, avenue Gaston Berger
69100, Villeurbanne, France
Microwave Technologies Consulting © 2024
R.C.S. Lyon 835 333 204 00013
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